Friday, October 1, 2010

Peace bridge opens today

Hakkari 68 zone, and in 1999 made by the Youth Bridge was destroyed by the security forces with the support of civil society organizations today opened in public.

68 generations is the symbol of the people of Hakkari and his friends traveled to Sea özdeşleştirdiği otherwise known as the Revolutionary Youth Bridge Marine traveled 15 hours today 00 will be opened to service.

Yesterday completed the construction of the bridge, opening in Istanbul, Ankara and Turkey's many artists in different cities, from Istanbul to the author, and still more than three hundred student activists will join with members of the Collective.


Yesterday evening hours for youth, including Bridge opening Nur-term, Ragip Zaragoğlu, Ilkay Akaya, Suavi, Mazlum Lawn, Cezmi Ersoz, Burhan Berken and Rojda such as intellectuals, artists and writers coming from the 15-person team in Hakkari, the other writer, artist , intellectuals, politicians and students in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara, 3 in the morning was on his way by bus, had the future of Hakkari.


On the other hand will come tomorrow morning Hakkari intellectuals, writers, artists, politicians and students at 09.00 am in the ninth person killed 4 people wounded in the village of passage going to be found taziyede had lost relatives.

Hakkari condolence visit to the village lane after the group will return to 15.00 hours for the opening of the Revolutionary Youth Bridge Youth Köprü'süne had to go through.

Youth Bridge, the opening ceremony, the BDP Hakkari deputy Hamid Gailani, the BDP Hakkari Provincial Administration, Mayor of Hakkari Deputy Chairman Abdullah Kilic, IHD Hakkari Branch Chairman Ismail Akbulut, KESK-DISK Branches Platform members of Hakkari, Cilo Nature Society officials, Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir from the intellectuals, artists, politicians, writers, students, and with the participation of citizens in Hakkarili said.
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