Sunday, August 9, 2009

Aram Tigran Armenian cemetery to be buried in

The capital of Greece in Athens to life with your eyes shut for funerals in Diyarbakir on artists' advocate AramTigran'ın Ministry of Foreign Affairs while before initiatives, Tigran Armenian and Assyrian funeral of the funerals in Diyarbakir will be buried in the Armenian cemetery became final. Been scheduled for August 11 on Tigran funeral Hatip Dicle Presidential spokesman for DTK A commission was created in.

75-year-old doyen of Kurdish music artist Aram Tigran Armenian origin, died in Greece's capital Athens, while the funerals in Diyarbakir on intestacy to Tigran the Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes initiatives before. MPs DTP'li of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate of Greece before a burial permit required for an initiative to be taken before the while, this weekend on official action because of the delay due to specified. Shut your eyes to the experience in DTP Tigran was met with sadness, is scheduled to Tigran last journey in Diyarbakir uğurda Democratic Society Congress (DTK) was created a commission headed spokesman Hatip Dicle. Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir and DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Chairman of the Euphrates where Anlı in the commission's priority in the preparation of the report with Tigran family. Aram Tigran Tigran family in negotiations on the family will also learn where to find suitable to be buried in Diyarbakir. This response is then brought to Turkey for the funeral Tigran before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the initiatives to achieve results more quickly and increased calls before DTP Deputies. Created a commission on the participation of thousands are expected to start technical preparations for the funeral in Diyarbakir, the, will be buried on August 11 was Tigran.

To be buried in the Armenian cemetery

Commission the first meeting of the DTP in Diyarbakir province in the building and the Christian communities that belong to the Armenian Tigran that before because of the Kurdish writer Mehmed Uzun Mardinkapı'da next to the tomb to be buried was abandoned. And approximately 250 districts located in Tigran Urfakapı year history of the Armenians and Assyrians are buried in the Armenian cemetery has been decided to bury. See also the heat of the Armenian community was notified after the receipt of necessary permissions Tigran before the funeral and then by airplane to Istanbul, is planned to be brought to Diyarbakir. In the history of Diyarbakır Hançepek districts of Istanbul Armenian Patriarch in the Armenian Church of Surp Giragos clergy to join the ceremony by.

Seven will flow to Diyarbakir

After the church ceremony to be performed Aram Tigran final journey to be uğurda guidance to be issued in the Armenian cemetery. The funeral will be made to the representatives of all religions, as well as the Middle East, Turkey and the region around the artists, writers, academics and politicians, a lot of people are expected to attend, participate in ceremonies for preparation and technical sub-committee has been formed.

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